Thursday 21 June 2012

After a thorough market research, consumer research and analysis, keeping the brief of my final project to build strong brand -customer relationship, I have developed an excellent promotional strategy and designed the above print, tv, promotional adverts for excellent communication between Heinz and their potential customers. 

Societal Wallpaper

Cover Page Design

A Professional cover page, designed to use it as a cover page for CV, Job  proposals and for other useful material.

Promotional prints

The above images are the promotional print materials to promote the Huddersfield student forum. I used different styles, colour, concepts, writing style, keeping with the content (the facilities) that is required to be added.

Header for student's forum

The above images are the website headers  I have designed for my friend's university forum, based on his requirements. He wanted it simple and yet catchy in the way it looked, and also showed it represented for students.


I have created my CV template using Photoshop CS3. Created this template keeping in mind the old and ancient paper textures to make it look more creative and yet simple.